
Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Error - The type NavOption is unknown.

Hi guys,

I would like to share the solution to the error which came up with me while developing a report. It is quite a silly mistake which beginners like us make often.

Solution : Go back to the C/AL code and look up that you must have typed a wrong GET statement there.

In my situation, I was doing

SalesHeader.GET("Sales Line"."Document No.");  //Wrong GET

which resulted in 'The type NavOption is unknown.' error.

I corrected my code and wrote,

SalesHeader.GET("Sales Line"."Document Type","Sales Line"."Document No.");  //Correct GET

And this issue was resolved. Hope you will find this useful.



  1. hi,im while uploading data though xmlport in table,im getting below error while uploading .can any one help me?
    Microsoft Dynamics NAV

    The type NavBoolean is unknown.

    1. Hi Nitesh, please check the code, this looks like same kind of issue as shown in the blog above. Debug the code and see where the debugger stops and errors, check if there is a GET which might be causing this issue.

    2. i experienced this same error while trying call a field from another table in a report. The primary key of the table is integer datatype while the common field is a code datatype.
      Please any assistance on how to go about it

    3. Dennis, can you give me an idea if it is code or somewhere else where you are calling this field? If it is via code, can you add the code here for me to check?
