
Sunday, December 18, 2016

Difference between RESET and CLEAR - Tips, Tricks & Facts #9

Hi guys,

As it is pretty clear from the heading, I am going to compare rec.RESET and CLEAR(rec) in this post.

We are aware of the fact that CLEAR function is used to clear variables of all types. I am going to stick to how does CLEAR work with record type variables for this post.

Sunday, December 04, 2016

Common mistakes we make in C/AL - Vol. 3 - Tips, Tricks & Facts #8

In this post I will talk about Significance of Using CALCSUMS in C/AL coding. 

Before writing about this topic I would mention here that, if a tool (or function) is available then we must use it to our system's benefit. Tools or functions are available in AL (or any other development envo.) to reduce the time taken by transactions and faster output generation.

You can find the detailed definition of CALCSUMS on MSDN. This function must be used to calculate sums of a Decimal field. However, the scope of CALCSUMS has been widened to Integer, BigInteger and Duration type fields along with Decimal type fields from NAV 2016 and up.